
Nobel for Lewis

As most of you know HIV/AIDS is a cause that is near and dear to Presbyterians’ hearts and Stephen Lewis’ efforts in this area were an inspiration to many. There is a group that is trying to secure his nomination for the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize and they have an online petition available to show support.

The evolution book list

I agree with those who would critique intelligent design as creationism made more palatable. In any guise it is not science and it is poor theology. It is quite possible to hold a position that affirms both God as creator and the scientific evidence to support evolution at the same time. In this debate I have found a book by Kenneth Miller — Finding Darwin’s God, A Scientist’s Search for Common Ground Between God and Evolution — to be most helpful and inspiring both from a theological and scientific perspective.

Of his own will

I am a member of East Toronto Presbytery and attended all of the sessions involving the report by the sexual harassment committee regarding accusations against Bob Fourney. The meetings were closed, hence it is not appropriate for anyone to comment or describe the content thereof, especially with regard to the dignity and privacy of all of the persons directly involved.

Animated letter

Re Anne Saunders' letter in May. I took a second look at the March cartoon to which she referred. My interpretation of the cartoon is that we all need to have a long look into the mirror of truth and realize how often we exercise these five weapons of mass destruction in our daily speech and actions.

Uncle Allister's gift 

The Record kindly ran a picture my family and me in the April People and Places, regarding the official announcement and presentation of a bequest from the estate of my late uncle, Allister Irwin MacDonald, former professor of English at Acadia University. His will contained a provision that the bequest, likely to top $200,000 once the estate is settled, be made to King's, New Minas, N.S., in memory of him, his late father and mother, Daniel and Ella MacDonald, and his five brothers, including the late Rev. Joseph R. MacDonald and the late Rev. Dr. Donald C. MacDonald, onetime moderator of the Presbyterian Church in Canada.

A child of God

Andrew Faiz's C.S. Lewis quote in the May issue was very apposite about nature. My initial reaction when I saw March of the Penguins was, What if life is nothing but a trek to the breeding ground, back to the sea, back to the breeding ground, back to the sea, ad infinitum, until death do us part.