
Love is the Way

Our faith is in a God of Love—love that became enfleshed in Jesus Christ. And while it is true that if we truly believe this we will try to live in a certain manner, that perspective is quite different from treating the Bible as a set of rules to be followed so that God will accept us.

Five Years of Fortune

It is time for me to bid this column, the Renewal Fellowship and my Encouragement Road Trips a wistful goodbye. At 67, I can no longer pretend to function at the energy level or capacity I once did.

Christian Values

It increasingly appears as though Canadian values can no longer be automatically equated with Christian values. This is hardly breaking news, but for many in the church today, it comes as a nasty surprise.

Get To Know Me

Reconciliation. A long word with many meanings. A word that leads to many interpretations for many of us. As a residential school survivor that has been scarred by my residential school experience, my interpretation of that word is simple.

Listen to the Voice

Imagine if recording technology existed for many centuries. Whose voice would you most like to hear? An ancestor telling a family story? An artist, Shakespeare say, reading a sonnet? A figure from Christian history?

Lost and Found

I’m as Presbyterian as can be. But there are a lot of Catholics in my family tree, and in the twigs and branches of my generation. I guess that’s why, when I lose something and I get really worked up about it, I pray to Saint Anthony of Padua.