Be Church

Meet Jesus

The term “church growth” makes me queasy, or at least, uneasy, in the same way that the term tilt-a-whirl makes me queasy at the fall fair or the announcement of turbulence makes me uneasy at 33,000 feet. I think the queasiness generates from the same place – I wonder who or what is driving this thing.

Building Relationships

He approached me immediately following worship and, in a calm but confident way, declared that he would never be a member of this church because he could never believe in Jesus. I often wonder why someone that confident about what they don't believe ever bothers to show up in church. Subsequent conversation with “Brownie” revealed he had recently been through a difficult marriage breakup and, on the arms of some friends, had initially shown up at a Friday evening Celebrate Recovery event. One of the most memorable and joy-filled times of my ministry was the Sunday he stood before a congregation of 500 and declared his commitment to Christ and to service in His church. Evangelism — the process of helping an individual to find their way from skepticism and doubt to personal faith in Christ — can be seen more clearly when there is a face like that of “Brownie” attached. In relating his story, we come to understand the kinds of components which position a church for effective ministry in this arena.