For the Record

Love is the Way

Our faith is in a God of Love—love that became enfleshed in Jesus Christ. And while it is true that if we truly believe this we will try to live in a certain manner, that perspective is quite different from treating the Bible as a set of rules to be followed so that God will accept us.

Supportive Readers

The first thing I want to do is say thank you to the 380 ministers who completed our online survey and the 30 people who wrote me in response to the April editorial with suggestions on how we could improve the Record.

Try Different Things

It’s easy to become inward looking—concerned more about how we feel than how newcomers feel; concerned more about our buildings than about building a community where people experience God’s love through our deeds.

Give it to God

What do you do when you are wrestling with a big problem and you feel overwhelmed with anger and frustration either from your inability to resolve the issue or because others can’t see it the way you see it so very clearly?

Injecting Enthusiasm

Deceptively, all those Boomer children and their parents filled churches in the late 1950s and ‘60s to overflowing. The result was that mainline denominations in Canada thought they were on top of the world.

Carrying Heartache and Hope

It’s hard to imagine anyone not wanting Canada to help out in the current worldwide refugee crisis. But despite the many positive responses I’ve heard about, including from the Christian community, I’ve also heard about some naysaying. So what’s going on?

God is Mystery

Tony Plomp’s cover story not only gives us an opportunity to talk about death which senior editor Andrew Faiz does in a companion piece to our cover story—but about the nature of God.

Co-dependent Clergy

This is not the first time we have addressed clergy health. Six years ago our award-winning cover story, Breaking the Silence, addressed the unhealthy state of many clergy in six Canadian denominations.

Life and Death

It seems pointless to review the Supreme Court’s ruling on physician-assisted dying at this stage. Our goal now should be to help craft a law that aims to prevent abuses, however blunt an instrument the law may be.