For the Record

Constructive Anxiety

Anxiety is a funny thing. Too much and you find yourself in an unfocused whirl. Too little and you become complacent and lethargic. Either way, you become unproductive. It’s the same for groups or institutions.

Perpetual Immanence

Is there any other time of year that brings lingering family grievances into sharper focus? The pressure that builds around what should be a joyous time goes far beyond the stress of buying presents, attending too many parties and trying to get the house in order.

Ministry by Youth

As a preacher’s kid, I grew up in Presbyterian churches in small Ontario towns. Church was always a part of my life. But there’s a difference, in my experience, between attending a church and being part of a church.

Longing For Faith

Faith is not a matter of dogma, doctrine and reason. It is based on experience—the experience which touches the roots of our being and transforms us. Throughout India, those old people I encountered came to Christianity because of illiterate men pulling rickshaws or on rickety bicycles.

A Dialogue of Love

The intersection of faith and reason is possibly the most crowded square in Christianity—and probably the most embattled. Here’s where the Record stands.