
Break into Song

Exploring something new in worship can be challenging, even daunting; we need a friend to guide us through the richness of music available to us. Last year I started a project called Break into Song which aims to inspire church leaders to make friends with new music.

The Way to Light

I listened to track six—“Morningside”—on the way to my home church Morningside Presbyterian for worship. While the whole album is evocative, rich in tones and textures, intricately constructed, this one song has stuck with me. Obviously, I was first attracted to it because it is about my church, but for the composer, Rev. Will Ingram, currently senior minister at St. Andrew’s, Toronto, Morningside is a community of friends.

Seconding a Sentiment

There are many talented people in the Presbyterian church. They could be, should be sharing their gifts as part of a national and denominational strategy for making our worship vibrant and joyful, and for effectively sharing our faith. Are they? And is there a strategy?

Building a Culture of Song

The well-documented and sad state of community singing is thrown into sharp relief during this most musical of seasons. Building a singing culture is the same as building a hockey culture, but without the gaps in the front teeth.