
Love and Leviticus

Today’s reading from Leviticus 19 is a good example of the way the editors of the Revised Common Lectionary presume to know what’s best for us. They cut six verses of theo-politically incorrect stuff.

What I Learned at Camp

I learned that the teens who attended camp come back year after year and that most do not attend church on a regular basis and some never do. I heard that they like to come because this is the only place they learn about God.

Remember and Be Renewed

The word “remember” appears in the Bible hundreds of times. In studying the various occurrences, I began to see a deep connection to the spiritual renewal of God’s people, corporately and individually.

We Are the Church

When we talk about the church and social media, we’re not usually thinking about individual Christians who use social media. Yet don’t we like to say that the church is the people?

Faith Sharing

Pinawa Christian Fellowship is a unique congregation. Located in Pinawa, Man., the congregation was formed with the blessing of six mainline denominations: Anglican, Baptist, Lutheran, Mennonite, Presbyterian and United.


Two boys read a dialogue narration for the silent miming of the Christmas story. My pride turned to horror when one boy read the question, “Why was Jesus born?” The answer: “So he could die for our sins.” Period.

Playing God

If Canadians hadn’t been sidetracked by the shenanigans of senators and the mayor of Toronto we might have been having a long-overdue debate on euthanasia.

A Good Social Network

Rev. Dr. Chinchai Wang, noticed that Taiwanese seniors were isolated. They complained that Canada was a beautiful country but they were blind, mute, deaf and crippled. Their eyes did not understand English, their mouths could not speak English and they could not drive or get directions.

Powerful Love

Joseph’s love for Jesus was different. Not less, just a different kind of love. Mary carried Jesus inside her for nine months. She knew he was as much her flesh as he was God’s Son. Joseph’s love, however, is the tremendous, powerful love of adoption.

Not Just Baby Jesus

My two rural churches will open their doors to a good number of visitors this Christmas Eve. As our context becomes more and more secular and un-churched, there is a growing challenge for us to convey more than a partial story of the greatest event in history.

Francis’s Big Heart

What surprised not only Roman Catholics but the whole world were Pope Francis’s comments that the church needs to pay less attention to rules and morals and focus more on pastoral and social justice issues.