
Being Without

I think of the early church out of Jerusalem with its clarity of message and transformative power. I think of our own church and congregations as we face the realities of a secular Canada.

Walking the Talk

Sometimes we wonder about Simon Peter, Andrew, and the long succession of disciples who also consented to be called away. Did Jesus not care that they may have had families to clothe and feed, mothers and fathers to honour, boats to be maintained and kept seaworthy?

Fear of Religion

Most of the commentary on the Quebec government’s proposed Charter of Values has focused on Quebec, but it has unveiled more about Canada as a whole than just that part of our population in Quebec. And what has been unmasked is disturbing.

The Way to Light

I listened to track six—“Morningside”—on the way to my home church Morningside Presbyterian for worship. While the whole album is evocative, rich in tones and textures, intricately constructed, this one song has stuck with me. Obviously, I was first attracted to it because it is about my church, but for the composer, Rev. Will Ingram, currently senior minister at St. Andrew’s, Toronto, Morningside is a community of friends.

Forgive and Forget

In the mid-90s I did an internship in a church north of Toronto. While there, divisive conflict exploded into open warfare. I’ll never forget the outburst of one of the angriest seniors.

The Hall of Fame of Faithfulness

Sometimes we speak of faith as if it’s agreeing to accept something that doesn’t make sense unless we see it through “the eyes of faith.” Mark Twain said it through Huck Finn: “Faith is believin’ what you know
ain’t so.”