
All Are Valuable

I think it is important to anticipate a few of the challenges that might keep some of our ministers from participating in a spiritual community with their peers.

Union with Christ

I began this column in the Record last summer with an unapologetic affirmation of the centrality of Jesus Christ for our church’s faith and life, now and in the future. My last word is the same.

Intentional Community

As I write this, the March issue of the Record has been available for only a couple of weeks. In that time I have had more feedback than I have received for all the things I have ever written combined. I hit on something significant: many ministers are burning out.

Our Comfortable Pew

I can still remember reading Pierre Berton’s The Comfortable Pew. Berton was nothing if not prophetic. Perhaps not in all the details, but he did have a sense that organized Christianity, at least among Protestants and Anglicans, had lost its way.

Broken Yet Beloved

What if we shifted our approach to becoming smaller and more focused in our mission and ministry? What if we shifted our vision of church to a fellowship of communities less dependent on money?

Death Becomes Us All

Death stirs up many emotions. Whenever I prepare to preach at a funeral, or attend a memorial service, I often find my thoughts moving in different directions, swirling really.

That All May Be One

Can we say for sure Jesus’s prayer is for all of us who call ourselves by his name to belong to one, big church? Can we say for sure Jesus prays just for people we would recognize as Christians?

One Simple Rule

As Christians, as followers of Jesus Christ, there is one simple, golden, ironclad rule that will bring life and vitality for us as individuals and our churches as families of faith.

Reading The Bible

How do we interpret Living Faith’s affirmations about the Bible, that it is “given to us by the inspiration of God to be the rule of faith and life?” How do we distinguish between the Bible as the word of God and Jesus Christ as the living Word of God?

Unlikely Apostles

When did you last hear, or preach, a sermon on a story from the Acts of the Apostles? Other than on Pentecost? We don’t know what to do with these stories. Maybe the wildness of the Spirit and the confidence of the apostles trouble us.

Desiring Faith

Is it that as we make our way through life, with all its ups and downs, trials and joys, we look to certain people—perhaps to certain positions as much as anything—to help us measure where we are? To help us believe in our strength despite our weakness?

Trusting and Trying

Can we make any generalizations to explain why things are going in the right direction? Does some of the good have to do with introducing a strategic plan, or some praise songs, or different programs, or something else?

God and the Holy Spirit

We tend to be quite casual when it comes to the Holy Spirit. It is not that we don’t believe in the Holy Spirit; we do, but we generally tend to pay less attention to the Spirit than to other aspects of our doctrine and church life.