
Perpetual Immanence

Is there any other time of year that brings lingering family grievances into sharper focus? The pressure that builds around what should be a joyous time goes far beyond the stress of buying presents, attending too many parties and trying to get the house in order.

Renewal Has a Name

A part of Advent for me is trying to gain the perspective of the Hebrews as they waited in hope for their coming Messiah. I think we can learn a lot about “waiting in hope” from them.

The Foreigners

Many months we swayed over sand and scrub. The camels got ticks; our bodies got blisters. Twice, bandits robbed us of coin and food, but the treasure under our saddles was well hidden, destined for the One we sought.

Ministry by Youth

As a preacher’s kid, I grew up in Presbyterian churches in small Ontario towns. Church was always a part of my life. But there’s a difference, in my experience, between attending a church and being part of a church.

Blessing and Restoration

According to individualistic Christianity, Christians find reconciliation with God through their own efforts alone. Because of this Christians can miss out on the richness of the Christian faith and our historic connection with ancient Israel.

It Matters to Me

Nothing prepared me for the experience of sitting through the testimony of survivors of residential schools. I winced and I wept. It moved our church’s 1994 apology from my head to my heart.

Christ In All Generations

Our ministry with youth is nothing more and nothing less than a participation with them in what the triune God is doing, across cultures, across social and economic groups and across generations. It involves everyone.

Wisdom Calls

One day I saw an old car illegally parked in downtown Halifax. A bumper sticker demanded to know: “If yer so darn smart, why ain’t ya rich?” Well, why ain’t I rich? I’m pretty smart after all.