

Music, food, face – painting, balloons and bubbles floating on the breeze, tents and stalls along the pathways, crowds of people glad to be together in the sunshine. It didn’t feel like General Assembly at all.

Longing For Faith

Faith is not a matter of dogma, doctrine and reason. It is based on experience—the experience which touches the roots of our being and transforms us. Throughout India, those old people I encountered came to Christianity because of illiterate men pulling rickshaws or on rickety bicycles.

Don’t Worry

I have found local congregations full of joy, while the “official” or political levels of our church seem to be fraught with worry.

A Dialogue of Love

The intersection of faith and reason is possibly the most crowded square in Christianity—and probably the most embattled. Here’s where the Record stands.

Generous Orthodoxy

The “little green book” can be found in church pews and ministers’ studies across the country. But what does this confessional statement mean for us today? How does Living Faith speak to us in the midst of an ever-changing world?