
Siloé Grows in Montreal

La Communauté Chrétienne Siloé was born in Montreal’s Chinese Presbyterian Church just six years ago with five families attending its first service. Today, Siloé is a congregation of the Presbyterian Church in Canada with 234 members.

Faith Walk

As I grew up, I turned away from anything that had to do with religion. The very word reminded me of residential school. Evening prayers and forced Sunday school attendance; I was having none of that in my life.

Renewing of Minds

Sometimes a text of scripture sticks in my mind for days and even weeks. While this can be true of music as well, I have come to realize the spiritual significance of these Bible passages that take hold of my consciousness for a time.

On Pilgrimage

My favourite place to bring people on pilgrimage is the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem’s Old City. To our Protestant eyes, there isn’t much recognizable ground.

Sola Scriptura

A Parable: No one was certain why the Park family’s dog was at the baseball game, but Rover was there. Rover, deciding to live up to his name, took a walk and ended up in the outfield. Turmoil ensued.

Big Ministry, Small Budget

When the engine of our second car almost literally blew up after midnight in the middle of a November snowstorm, I didn’t immediately recognize it as the most significant thing God had done to kick-start our ministry at Côte des Neiges, Montreal.

Supportive Readers

The first thing I want to do is say thank you to the 380 ministers who completed our online survey and the 30 people who wrote me in response to the April editorial with suggestions on how we could improve the Record.

Crossing Generations

Let’s plan to be radically countercultural in how we encourage faith development. Let’s cross the generations as we learn and grow together so that seniors, millennials, children and youth teach and learn from one another. Hardly radical, you say? I believe it is.

Try Different Things

It’s easy to become inward looking—concerned more about how we feel than how newcomers feel; concerned more about our buildings than about building a community where people experience God’s love through our deeds.

Helping Clergy Families

Recently, in a discussion with a minister who was sharing his life and challenges, he revealed some of the specific issues of his ministry, especially as it impacted his kids. This was not a new experience for me.