
Recovering Joy

I was visiting my sister at her cottage in the summertime. It was first thing in the morning, the sun was emerging beautifully from her slumber, and I was down at the dock with my Bible in hand.

Beyond The Rules

The newborn church is still trying to figure out who’s in and who’s out. What does it take for someone who isn’t from the first generation to become a follower on the Way?

Give it to God

What do you do when you are wrestling with a big problem and you feel overwhelmed with anger and frustration either from your inability to resolve the issue or because others can’t see it the way you see it so very clearly?

Clergy Burn Out

More than 20,000 clergy left the ministry in 2010 alone in the U.S., and according to a survey done by the Francis Schaeffer Institute, 71 per cent of pastors serving churches today are burned out and battling depression and fatigue.

Injecting Enthusiasm

Deceptively, all those Boomer children and their parents filled churches in the late 1950s and ‘60s to overflowing. The result was that mainline denominations in Canada thought they were on top of the world.

Love and Other Stories

Maybe it’s that half-light creates liminal spaces where imagination opens more easily. Think romantic candle-lit dinners for two. Or the way your children’s faces change in the light of birthday candles.

Lent on the Land

I’m reflecting on our reading from Deuteronomy within days of the release of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s final report. It’s hard to read a text that sets a liturgy of thanksgiving for a people who believe God has given them someone else’s land.

The Gold Standard

Love is a pretty central theme to Jesus’s teachings and example. Not only was love commanded but it was set out as the primary factor for the discerning of true believers.