
Faith That Sticks

In spite of the finest scholars involved and the best pedagogy going, our churches are not filled with students who came through the system. You may have had a bursting church school back in the ‘60s, but the majority of these now grown up participants no longer go to church.

Joy to the World!

The parking lot at the hospital was almost empty by 5 p.m. on Christmas Eve. I stepped out of the car and crossed over icy ruts where cars were parked earlier, oil leaks mixing with fresh snow leaving dark smudges on Creation’s canvas.

The Fullness of Time

Advent should be like a funnel that focuses us invon the most important part of Christmas; renewingvour relationship with our Lord and Saviour. However, Advent competes with so much that demands our attention.

Carrying Heartache and Hope

It’s hard to imagine anyone not wanting Canada to help out in the current worldwide refugee crisis. But despite the many positive responses I’ve heard about, including from the Christian community, I’ve also heard about some naysaying. So what’s going on?

God is Mystery

Tony Plomp’s cover story not only gives us an opportunity to talk about death which senior editor Andrew Faiz does in a companion piece to our cover story—but about the nature of God.

Remembering Thanksgiving

I often find myself feeling over-committed, over-stressed and over-concerned. Usually, within a few weeks, my slow moving mind remembers that I cannot survive now, or at any other time, on my own strength and resources.