
Co-dependent Clergy

This is not the first time we have addressed clergy health. Six years ago our award-winning cover story, Breaking the Silence, addressed the unhealthy state of many clergy in six Canadian denominations.

Sharing Struggles and Joys

It was a unique gathering this January. Members of the Presbytery of Oak Ridges and the northern portion of Classis Toronto of the Christian Reformed Church in North America gathered for fellowship, a meal and common worship—just because.

Wonderful Diversity

I am pretty sure that evangelicals like myself will not be convinced they are wrong. Neither will my liberal friends. What we might all be convinced of is that there is a greater issue at play here.

Break into Song

Exploring something new in worship can be challenging, even daunting; we need a friend to guide us through the richness of music available to us. Last year I started a project called Break into Song which aims to inspire church leaders to make friends with new music.


Peter must have had sore eyes and an aching jaw from all the revelations he had received in just a short span of time.

The Three E’s: Effectiveness

As we look towards a future of nourishing Christian communities and making disciples in a post-Christendom Canada, part of our “leadershift” is in forming teaching and ruling elders who are evangelical, entrepreneurial and effective. But how do we know if we are effective in ministry?