
He is Risen!

It is an ancient liturgy translated into countless tongues and spoken by billions since the historical event of the resurrection. It is the core of the Church’s Easter worship.

You Have Been Saved

“A minister without theology is like a doctor without medicine; all he can do is kill you.” This was a favourite saying of my principal at Emmanuel College, Earl Lautenschlager.

Palms and Politics

The story of Holy Week begins with a political act. What do we do? We do what we do with Luke’s story of Jesus’ birth, a story that heralds a great social upheaval. We give the story to the children.

Life and Death

It seems pointless to review the Supreme Court’s ruling on physician-assisted dying at this stage. Our goal now should be to help craft a law that aims to prevent abuses, however blunt an instrument the law may be.

The Cultural Divide

If we are to renew our ministry and our outreach, I would point to a few cultures existent in Canada that need to be continually studied and understood. It probably will surprise you when I tell you what they are.

The Patty Test

When my wife Patty accompanies me on a guest preaching engagement, she normally does not actually enter the church building with me. She enters a few minutes before worship as an anonymous stranger to the church.

To Question Well

We are so used to the sound-bite declaratives of politicians trying to score points, that I wonder if we have forgotten the art of conversation, let alone dealing with the content of a conversation?

Practice Real Love

Some people wistfully hope conversations can or should happen at General Assembly. But overtures, motions and the like are part of the procedures that govern debates, not conversations.