
Learning to Lead

In the mainline church, many have lost confidence in leadership after helplessly watching a membership decline across denominations since the mid 1960s. Like my little soccer team, Jesus’ team appears to be taking a beating these days.

It’s About Hospitality

Our church has been exceptional in its efforts to make things safe for my daughter. But it turns out, if a congregation hasn’t had any kids with severe allergies in their church, they might have no allergy policy at all.

Start with Prayer

The church of my youth gathered each New Year’s Eve to usher in the New Year with prayer. It was the acknowledgement that the enormity of the challenges ahead could only be faced with divine help.

Am I Thankful?

In thinking about Thanksgiving holiday observances, I was drawn along a path that is relevant to personal renewal. It started with wondering why we needed a holiday to remind us and focus us on thanksgiving.