
The Path of Renewal

When we start talking about renewal lots of ideas (and even some old prejudices) come to mind. But at its core, renewal is God’s life-giving, restorative work. It transforms us little by little into Christ’s image and brings the world under Christ’s reign.

Renewal Has a Name

A part of Advent for me is trying to gain the perspective of the Hebrews as they waited in hope for their coming Messiah. I think we can learn a lot about “waiting in hope” from them.

‘Occupy Until I Come’

The Occupy movement brought people together to speak out against greed and excessive wealth. Jesus had some things to say about riches when he walked among us. Maybe it’s time to bring his message back to the streets.

Guided by the Word

It isn’t enough that the Bible be seen as a ‘rule’ book telling us what to do. We must ourselves enter the story and have a worldview that reflects the reality that calls us to act in ways we never thought possible