Theology 101

Walking the Talk

Sometimes we wonder about Simon Peter, Andrew, and the long succession of disciples who also consented to be called away. Did Jesus not care that they may have had families to clothe and feed, mothers and fathers to honour, boats to be maintained and kept seaworthy?

Reading The Bible

How do we interpret Living Faith’s affirmations about the Bible, that it is “given to us by the inspiration of God to be the rule of faith and life?” How do we distinguish between the Bible as the word of God and Jesus Christ as the living Word of God?

God and the Holy Spirit

We tend to be quite casual when it comes to the Holy Spirit. It is not that we don’t believe in the Holy Spirit; we do, but we generally tend to pay less attention to the Spirit than to other aspects of our doctrine and church life.

Blessing and Restoration

According to individualistic Christianity, Christians find reconciliation with God through their own efforts alone. Because of this Christians can miss out on the richness of the Christian faith and our historic connection with ancient Israel.