Cover Story

God Is Not Waiting For Us

In my journey around Toronto I found some churches rallied to address the needs of the city and were primed to take advantage of the potential this new reality offers, yet others seemed unable or unwilling to face the urban landscape.

The Warm Heart of Africa

John Vissers called his visit with a dying woman a holy moment. Not as mature in my faith, I found it difficult to be there. But Vissers’s words have become a meditation for me. In that basic cottage, on that hot day, I know we were somehow on holy ground.

Want Young People in Your Church?

Our first Presbyterian Young People’s Society weekend was the catalyst that transformed our youth group from a small, improbable family affair into a vital, ongoing ministry. There is no single experience of PYPS. It once thrived in every synod in the country.

‘To Hear and Respond’

The organization known today as Presbyterian World Service and Development has a rich history. Its past is full of interesting characters, difficult situations, disasters—both natural and human-made—and a lot of love and devotion. Here are only a few of the highlights from 65 years of international aid.

Relief and Development

Disasters strike, hearts open, and so do our wallets. Canadian Presbyterians donate millions of dollars to provide aid overseas. And while relief efforts are important and dramatic, they are often the smallest part of the job.