
Called to Serve

My “church” is not composed of a typical congregation. Rather, it is comprised of a multitude of faiths: agnostic, atheist, Buddhist, Christian, Jew, Muslim, Sikh, and more. It is in this multi-faith, pluralistic environment that I live out my calling as a Christian chaplain.

Spiritual Care Visitation

As people with physical ailments lose connections with familiar activities, places and people, feelings of isolation coupled with debilitating illness may affect their wellbeing, self esteem and even their judgement. With the loss of customary sources of happiness, life becomes a search for meaning.

Getting Sober

I decided to keep my past as a comedian on the down low, but anyone who’s been knows that rehab is a really bad place to try to keep things on the down low.

Science and Faith

I was ordained as a minister nearly 25 years ago, but prior to that I enjoyed my first vocation as a geologist. When I made my shift in vocation known, one of my colleagues said I was moving from the Ministry of Natural Resources to the Ministry of Supernatural Resources.

Service with a Smile

Warren Whittaker

As I enter my 30th year in service in the inner city of Winnipeg, it is becoming easier for me to reflect upon how God's call for me to enter and continue in diaconal ministry was a perfect match for the gifts that our Creator had granted me.

But it wasn't a straight line. I was first a Grade 4 school teacher in rural Saskatchewan, then worked for a large pharmaceutical company as a medical representative. And then my minister mentioned Ewart College to me, which in the 1970s was our denomination's college for training women and men for a life in the field of professional Christian education.

Ministers Mix It Up

Denominational lines are changing. In recent years, they've become more porous than ever, where people easily move through quickly dissolving boundaries, searching for the right fit. And it's not only members who migrate throughout and within this post-denominational society; ministers are doing the same. This migration may simply be the natural order of things, or it might also be dependent on theological issues, like gay marriage and ordination, or on other very personal reasons.