
God Is Not Waiting For Us

In my journey around Toronto I found some churches rallied to address the needs of the city and were primed to take advantage of the potential this new reality offers, yet others seemed unable or unwilling to face the urban landscape.

Living Together in Diversity

At 81, Charles Taylor is still a handsome and impressive figure. Impressive also is his optimism about the possibilities of interfaith and intercultural dialogue. Clearly, he is concerned about the potential of a “clash of civilizations” in Canada.

The Warm Heart of Africa

John Vissers called his visit with a dying woman a holy moment. Not as mature in my faith, I found it difficult to be there. But Vissers’s words have become a meditation for me. In that basic cottage, on that hot day, I know we were somehow on holy ground.

Want Young People in Your Church?

Our first Presbyterian Young People’s Society weekend was the catalyst that transformed our youth group from a small, improbable family affair into a vital, ongoing ministry. There is no single experience of PYPS. It once thrived in every synod in the country.

Chaplains at War

I have recently been doing some research at the Canadian War Museum. It is obvious that if we Canadian Presbyterians do not tell our own stories it is unlikely anyone else will. It is in that spirit that I offer short stories of two of our Second World War chaplains.

A Rabbi Walks into a Seminary

I am a middle-aged man who is in the early stages of a second career. I have passed through many doors in my time. But when I met the Jewish Rabbi who is on the faculty of my theological college, many more doors opened in my mind.

West Bank Boycott

I don’t always agree with the decisions made by the United Church of Canada, but the one they made this past summer to boycott products made in the settlements in the West Bank is one I support.