
A Global Community

Why was I having such a difficult time referring to the people in my midst, my family and friends and the people I cherish outside of the Christian limits as “the other?” Could it be because I was once the other? Maybe I still am.

Faith-Based Healthcare

When you go to some of the most rural areas, particularly in Africa, but elsewhere as well, often the only healthcare you come across happens to be faith-inspired organizations.

Church in Cyberspace

After a long media career, I turned to media theorist Marshall McLuhan, who early shaped my mindset, as I reflected on what we might call Numerical Decline Anxiety Syndrome in mainline churches.

Canada’s Slave Trade

In Canada, between 700,000 and four million people each year are affected by human trafficking. Each one of those is someone’s son or daughter, granddaughter or grandson, sister or brother.

Two Christmases

There are two Christmases. One is the Christian Christmas and the other is the secular Christmas. This winter festival still carries the Christmas name, and, for nostalgic reasons, still holds to many traditions. This is the tricky part for Christians.

Faith and the University

When I was a teenager, someone in my congregation gave me a dire warning about university. He made claws with his fingers and got a nasty look on his face. “They’re wolves,” he said. “And they will rip you apart. They’ll tear the Christian faith right out of you.”

Everyday Samaritans

It is easy to see the heroism displayed by people who play a role in tragic or cataclysmic events. But what about those of us who live out our lives without finding ourselves in situations of danger? What does ordinary heroism (if we can call it that) look like?