
Secrets and Lies

“It’s like God has been looking out for me,” she wrote. “I don’t know why God does this. I’m feeling so worthless and so down because once again, I’ve been lied to, and humiliated.”

Surprised by Joy

Are you familiar with the concept of choosing a word of the year? The idea is to pick a word to focus on, meditate on and reflect on in daily life throughout the year. In January 2015, 
I chose the word joy.

A Fragile Bereavement

For Sarah, the picture of the fetus on her ultrasound confirmed that it was a reality. And when Sarah lost her first baby in the 16th week of her pregnancy, being told she was “only four months along” made it no easier to lose.

A New Normal

But the New Year brings, as it always must, a return to routine. Auld claes and porridge, as my Scottish mum would tell you, and that’s frugal January.

A Long Road

Ten years ago, I sat on a bridge in France and ate my breakfast. The Spouse and I were on the cusp of a long walk across Spain, but we lingered that morning.

Getting on with your Life

How can I help make a change for the better as an ordained minister of the church? How can my past experience help others find peace with God, with themselves and within their church family? How can I help others on their journey?

Getting on with your Life

My church offered no support groups for the separated or divorced. My friends were all married. When your marriage breaks up there is an aloneness that you feel — it's as if part of your life has been torn away from you. It is unnatural and surreal. So how do you get on with life as you ride this emotional roller coaster of sadness and sorrow? You don't. You just go through it the best way you can and find help wherever you can.