For the Journey


When I first see the snowbirds flying in formation over a field I am filled with the contrasting feelings of euphoria and angst. Winter’s arrival does that to me.

Born Again Mission

The New Testament church existed on the margins of society, often functioning underground. It was a counterculture community. In that sense, it was a prophetic community.

Reborn Leadership

Some would say that the Church is dying out and failing in the 21st century, at least in the Canadian context. But is something else happening besides failure?

Born Again

Some question if the Christian church in the West is dying out in this century. In the Canadian context, across denominations, the church appears to be shrinking in almost every way—in our small Presbytery of Kamloops alone, two out of 10 congregations closed in 2015.

A Canadian Love Story

What makes the statue of David Thompson even more unique is that standing beside him is a statue of his wife, Charlotte Small. Of all the statuary of the famous early indigenous chiefs, white explorers and other founders of Canada, apparently there is only one that includes the spouse.

Losing the Chains of Christendom

It appears as though many people in countries like Canada have deemed the church, with its continuing Christendom focus on all things religious and institutional, to be irrelevant while at the same time expressing more interest in the very things the New Testament declares the church ought to be about: faith, spirituality and participating in a unique egalitarian community.

A Most Fitting Epitaph

Whatever else it is, retirement is a kind of watershed. Watersheds are places that evoke reflection. And as I reflect over the past 32 years in ministry, I certainly remember the apparent successes. But perhaps more than anything else, what strikes me most are the failures.

The Lesson of Candle Ice

Walking on ice has always freaked me out just a little. Every year at freeze-up in November I look out at the new ice on Lac La Hache and feel torn between the temptation to venture out on it and the terror of what could happen if I did.