
Wholeness and Health

Neither option was a guarantee and either could prove life-threatening. As well, the two choices were mutually exclusive. Pursue the one and the other was no longer possible.

Living and Dying in Hope

I think about death a lot. I’ve possessed this mindset since I was handed the shocking news that I have ALS (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis). On that cold, clear winter’s day, like a shadowy acquaintance from a far-away land, death came calling.

The Wineglass

A job, or better, a ministry, an assured income, a home to live in; who could ask for anything more? Well, it turns out that a family setting up a home for the first time does demand a few things more.

The Crocheted Cross

I enjoy my life for the most part, am grateful for my health and family, but at that time I was feeling that I was on a treadmill going nowhere. Nothing significant seemed to be happening. I was 61 years old and wondering if I was on the right track.

My Mountain

I had some changes to make in my garden and I needed to move two large granite stones. I didn’t want to tell my husband about my plan, since he would have decided to do the job and he is a heart patient. So I took it to the Lord.

What is it Like to be Ninety?

In many ways I don’t feel any differently than I have for years. But of course, that’s on the inside. The “outside” of me, now that’s a different picture entirely and has nothing to do with being 90 and everything to do with being old.

On Boundaries

When we are empty, there is nothing to give. Sometimes, from that empty state, we give anyway. This can lead to renewed energy in the short term: It’s refreshing to take our eyes off ourselves. After all, isn’t our purpose to serve?

A Journey to Justice

The young people looked at me and asked, “Moksanim (pastor), what good is the gospel if all it offers is life after death and does nothing to help us with this life, here and now?” I had no answer for them.