
Place Yourself

There is leadership in our church: It comes from the local churches, from the pews and pulpits, from the sessions. That’s where it starts.

A Lesson from Uncle Albert

Addy had been watching the geese and goslings from the window and when I opened the door she was out like a shot, a yellow streak launching herself through the air and into the lake like a torpedo. There was no doubt there were going to be serious causalities.

Your Turn

We have shied away from issues of sexuality and gender. Readers get riled on either side of the political spectrum; they say nasty things to each other and subscriptions are cancelled en masse. It has made us overcautious; but, is it time to talk about this in our church?

A Work in Progress

I stopped going to church when I started high school. I didn’t feel it did anything for me at all. Then a couple of years ago, two events started to gradually put my life into a new perspective.

From Islam to Jesus

The name Lamin Sanneh is hardly a household one for most Canadian Presbyterians, but he is someone worth getting to know. His autobiography is a compelling read, simply in terms of the unlikely and remarkable trajectory of his life.

Process Myopia

How did we end up pairing this vibrant institution with this provocative quotation? The embarrassing truth is, it was process myopia. We did this without realizing we did this.