

St. Andrew’s, King Street, in Toronto, has reissued a1972 recording in which 10 choristers and organist/director Douglas Bodle present 17 hymns from the 1972 Book of Praise.

The God He Loves

Lawrence Brice presents an explanation (an apologetic) in a popular, thoughtful way that reveals why the faith of the Christian is satisfying in both rational and experiential ways.

The Game

As we watched the serene scene of the otters on the dock, over on the island there was someone else watching. Baldy the Eagle left his perch, beating the air for elevation. If you didn’t know the game, you would never have guessed what Baldy was up to.

Doing It All Wrong

Through it all, through the dark shadows, the mood lighting, the strange and disturbing dioramas, which were ubiquitously familiar, through the growing sense of horror as we moved for a long time through the subterranean passages, I heard Charlie Farquharson’s prophets screaming in my head, “You’re doing it all wrong!”

The Calvin Lectures

I would have loved to sit through these lectures, which were given at St. Andrew’s Hall, Vancouver, and the Presbyterian College, Montreal, in the fall of 2009 to celebrate the 500th anniversary of John Calvin’s birth.

Wag the Dog

It was Friday’s tail that was his most disconcerting physical trait. Friday’s tail was docked in true spaniel fashion but in mind and body he was obviously built for a full-length tail. He had absolutely no idea how to wag a short-docked tail, so he didn’t. His tail wagged him.

Confronting Secularism

Is adopting a secular outlook an inevitable outcome? Are the arguments of secularists cogent enough to turn all of us away from any understanding of God that has any similarity to the Christian religion? These are questions of paramount importance for people of faith. Are we dealing with them seriously?