

We are known for the tradition of “we’ve always done it this way.” Yet as a denomination we frequently forget the second part of our tradition—the part that asks: What do I find important in the church that I want to bring forward and hand over to the next generation?

Rhythm for Rhythm

When I asked a fellow tourist from Dublin what she thought of Hanoi, she exclaimed, “I crossed the street!” We laughed because it is an accomplishment.

On Belonging

Early in ‘72 Dad had to go to Yemen where he had a job through the United Nations. The Sunday before he left, he made an announcement at the start of worship: “I have to go away for work and I’m leaving my family in your care.”

Born Again Mission

The New Testament church existed on the margins of society, often functioning underground. It was a counterculture community. In that sense, it was a prophetic community.

Reborn Leadership

Some would say that the Church is dying out and failing in the 21st century, at least in the Canadian context. But is something else happening besides failure?

A Closed Triangle

This is a snapshot of a typical Protestant congregation today, which is likely to have more people attending on a Sunday who have no strong denominational ties.