
Surprised by Joy

Are you familiar with the concept of choosing a word of the year? The idea is to pick a word to focus on, meditate on and reflect on in daily life throughout the year. In January 2015, 
I chose the word joy.

A Canadian Love Story

What makes the statue of David Thompson even more unique is that standing beside him is a statue of his wife, Charlotte Small. Of all the statuary of the famous early indigenous chiefs, white explorers and other founders of Canada, apparently there is only one that includes the spouse.

A Fragile Bereavement

For Sarah, the picture of the fetus on her ultrasound confirmed that it was a reality. And when Sarah lost her first baby in the 16th week of her pregnancy, being told she was “only four months along” made it no easier to lose.

A New Normal

But the New Year brings, as it always must, a return to routine. Auld claes and porridge, as my Scottish mum would tell you, and that’s frugal January.

Growing Stronger

As I went through university, personal prayer remained a part of me, but I had little exposure to other practicing Christians. My friends were all from Christian backgrounds but they never went to church.

A Long Road

Ten years ago, I sat on a bridge in France and ate my breakfast. The Spouse and I were on the cusp of a long walk across Spain, but we lingered that morning.