
Numbed and Helpless

I didn’t know how to feel—I felt indignant, angry, frustrated, sad and ultimately helpless to respond appropriately. I wonder if there is an appropriate response as a person of faith, as a Christian, as a Canadian Presbyterian?

A Radical Shift

Focusing on congregations doesn’t require another institutional reorganization, of which we have had several over the past three decades, but the much more difficult attitudinal shift in the people who work within the church’s bureaucracy at all levels from national to local.

Winter Wisdom

I remember the time 42 years ago when Linda, her dad and I went fishing. Linda and I had just bought our first new vehicle, a 1973 Chevy four-wheel drive pickup and we—I should say I—were just itching to show it off and impress someone.

Blessed Are Your Ears

A bad actor only “acts” when speaking and goes dead when they have no lines. A good actor is most alive on stage when they have no dialogue. May I be so bold as to say that you and I, and most of us in our denomination, are really bad actors?

The Wineglass

A job, or better, a ministry, an assured income, a home to live in; who could ask for anything more? Well, it turns out that a family setting up a home for the first time does demand a few things more.

Guardians of the Story

The title on the card was, “The Nurse, from Cameron’s Pond.” Linda and I looked at the picture together, drinking in the memories it engendered. “How come your family always called that peak the Nurse?” Linda asked.

A Bumpy Year

In my child’s world same-sex unions, families headed with same-sex partners, are commonplace. In her world this is not a debate.