
Always Beginners

In the expanse of the cathedral in Meaux, France, we began our pilgrimage with a prayer by Keri K. Wehlander: “We are always Beginners. So, let us go with curiosity and with courage, with vision and vigour. Let us journey beyond these opening doors.”

Leaving Iona

I felt like a real pilgrim. The morning was cold and heavy with fog. I wasn’t dressed warmly enough and I shivered as we waited for the ferry that would take us to the Isle of Iona.

Courage & God’s Call

I can see why John Calvin wanted to come to Strasbourg. Calvin described himself as “a man of the country and a lover of shade and leisure.” He was seeking, he wrote, a place where he could enjoy, “unknown, in some corner, the quiet long denied me.”

Our Lady of Scars

Notre-Dame de Noyon stands only a street away from the site of Calvin’s childhood home. He would have grown up with the sound of the church’s bells
and the shadow of its towers.