Moderator in Malawi

One Seamless Garment

I wasn’t in Malawi very long before I started questioning why things are the way they are. The way we consume resources while others go without raises disturbing questions of justice. It also highlights the way materialism seems to bankrupt our souls.

The Warm Heart of Africa

John Vissers called his visit with a dying woman a holy moment. Not as mature in my faith, I found it difficult to be there. But Vissers’s words have become a meditation for me. In that basic cottage, on that hot day, I know we were somehow on holy ground.

Report from Malawi: Difficult Journeys

There are a few new highways around Mzuzu, Malawi, which are well paved and smooth, but they won’t take you all the way to remote villages where the needs are the greatest. To get there, you have to get off the paved road, often down into a short steep ditch and then up again just as sharply, and onto a hard packed dusty path just wide enough to take your vehicle.