Community News

A Full Day on the Edge!

Monday was a busy day for us at General Assembly. Our two sederunts were reminders to us as commissioners that God’s work is diverse and it touches each of us in a variety of ways. We come together to discern the work and ministry of the Presbyterian Church in Canada from remote areas north in our country to the far shores of the Atlantic Provinces. But no matter where we hail from, we are reminded that the answers and solutions we seek are not easy to come by.

An Assessor Elder’s Reflections on HanCa Presbyteries

I was interested to read the report of the HanCa presbyteries for two important reasons.

One, I was at the General Assembly when the HanCa presbyteries were established and as a former clerk of presbytery, I was extremely interested to know how this new and innovative change in our structure had fared.

Two, recently I served for over 15 months as an assessor elder with a Korean congregation in Montreal.

Connections at G.A.

General Assembly is a great place to meet up with people in our church we have come to know over our lifetime. I was so happy last night and again this morning to see people I have come to know from across our denomination over the years.

On the edge G.A. 138!

My name is Angela J. Cluney, and this is my second Assembly as a Commissioner. For some lucky reason, I am destined to attend Ontario Assemblies—first Ottawa and now Oshawa. I am originally from the Presbytery of Pictou in Nova Scotia, but I am now a member of the Presbytery of East Toronto.

John Vissers’ ‘Hectic’ Year

The two announcements came only days apart. Rev. Dr. John Vissers has been elected to stand as sole nominee for moderator of the 138th General Assembly, and he has been appointed director of academic programs and professor of historical theology at Knox College, Toronto.