
The Warm Heart of Africa

John Vissers called his visit with a dying woman a holy moment. Not as mature in my faith, I found it difficult to be there. But Vissers’s words have become a meditation for me. In that basic cottage, on that hot day, I know we were somehow on holy ground.

Assembly Council Budgets for 2014

The Assembly Council spent the bulk of its November meeting dealing with finances. It endorsed a number of changes to the church’s pension plan and approved a set of 10 “budget principles” to guide the creation of the national church’s 2014 budget.

Meet Jesus…

A video was posted on the PCC’s Facebook page earlier this year. In it various people give very candid responses to why they don’t go to church: Their excuses sound very familiar. “I’m nervous.” “I don’t like hypocrites.” “I’m not sure about my faith.”

West Bank Boycott

I don’t always agree with the decisions made by the United Church of Canada, but the one they made this past summer to boycott products made in the settlements in the West Bank is one I support.