
Faith Leaders Sign Statement on Climate Change and Poverty

Twenty-six faith leaders signed a statement in late September calling for action on the “twin challenges” of climate change and poverty in Canada.
The statement notes in particular the challenges faced by Canada’s indigenous peoples who “have long experienced the effects of poverty, and are commonly among the first to experience the effects of climate change.”

Commemorating a Legacy

An intimate ceremony at Beachwood Cemetery, Ottawa, in late August celebrated the life of Dr. Peter Henderson Bryce, a man remembered as a pioneer for public health. During the event, a plaque was unveiled as part of the cemetery’s great Canadian profiles project.

Human Connections

Hungary has been running a billboard campaign—in Hungarian, which the refugees couldn’t possibly understand—with slogans like, “If you come to Hungary, don’t take the jobs of Hungarians,” and, “If you come to Hungary, you have to keep our laws.”

Faces on the Road

A small small handful say “no photo” or “camera no.” But the vast majority pose for the photos and if you ask them they are eager to talk to you. You approach a person, they don’t speak English, but they call out to one in their group who does.