
Consistent, Persistent Voice

Members of Parliament speak at the CCC event.

It is the task of the church to proclaim a hopeful imagination for the world. That was the overriding message of Faith and a Sustainable Economy, a forum held by the Canadian Council of Churches in Ottawa in May. The forum was hosted by the council’s Commission on Justice and Peace, and the day was composed of three panel discussions: community and policy, theology, and churches. There were economic and ecological updates to give context to the discussion of current issues facing the world and the Church. There were theological dissections of the role to which the Church is called in this time of global uncertainty and transition. And there were challenging reflections from church leaders, grounding change optimistically in spiritual formation, deep biblical reading and an abiding sense of human dignity.

Impressive Partnerships

photo courtesy CWS/PA

It is a tale of loaves and fishes. As stories of refugees and other displaced persons in Pakistan hit the newspapers in May, Presbyterian World Service and Development’s Guy Smagghe called the Pakistani branch of Church World Service and asked if there was some way the Presbyterian Church in Canada could help.

There was. The two organizations drew up plans to reach 4,500 families. (An earlier rapid response program reaching 300 families was implemented quickly.)