
Bach receives Legacy

Rev. Karen Bach, currently director of the Evergreen Centre for Street Youth at Toronto's Yonge Street Mission, was honored in May for her contribution to the ecumenical chaplaincy at the University of Toronto. Presented at Victoria College, the Legacy Award was created this year to celebrate leadership in the work of the university's ecumenical chaplaincy. The chaplaincy board said there "was no question" that Bach should be the award's inaugural recipient.

134th General Assembly : Power of the gospel

Rev. Dr. Hans Kouwenberg expressed concern the Presbyterian Church may have more of an institutional stance rather than that of a movement. "Although our new national resource centre, the Vine Network Helpline and The Vine Leadership Links sound promising, I continue to be concerned about adequate advocacy within the national offices for ongoing local congregational development, worship and evangelism, as well as for developing new national and regional strategies for new church development," Kouwenberg told commissioners in his closing speech as moderator of the 133rd General Assembly.

134th General Assembly : Water and wine

The enthusiastic congregation gathered at Knox, Ottawa, for the opening of the General Assembly experienced a worship service that was memorable. The presence of several hundred ready-to-sing Presbyterians put the average karaoke bar to shame. The Knox organ and choir were properly "classical" in that wonderful building and brought sweet memories to those who are weary of the 7/11 songs of seven words sung 11 times.

Don't Sanction Zimbabwe

ENI – Rev. Samuel Kobia, general secretary of the World Council of Churches, which supported comprehensive sanctions against apartheid South Africa, has issued a warning against imposing an economic embargo on Zimbabwe.

Make Green Not War

ENI – World religious leaders who met in Sapporo, Japan, in advance of the summit of the Group of Eight industrial nations, which included Canada's Prime Minister Stephen Harper, urged G8 countries to cut military spending to finance environmental protection measures.

Churches rally for China

A coalition of Chinese language churches in the Greater Toronto Area met in the immediate aftermath of the worst earthquake to hit China since 1976 and issued a cheque for $10,000 to a Christian relief fund.

134th General Assembly : Assembly Reaffirms Uniqueness of Christ

The longest debate at this year's assembly was an extension of issues raised last year by the Ecumenical and Interfaith Relations Committee. An overture asked assembly to reaffirm the uniqueness of Christ because the committee's revised mandate "included words that left people confused in terms of our relationship with people of other faiths," Rev. Shannon Bell-Wyminga, of B.C.'s Cariboo Ministry explained to the Record.

Minister of Word and Sacrament

On May 25, Mary Fontaine, director of the aboriginal outreach Hummingbird Ministries, was ordained Minister of Word and Sacrament in the Presbyterian Church in Canada. The service took place in Mistawasis, Sask., at the First Nation Community Centre. Following her ordination, Rev. Fontaine proceeded to baptize her grandson and oversee a communion service at the Mistawasis Memorial Presbyterian Church. "I'm proud of being Presbyterian and glad that I can be both a Christian and a Cree woman," she says.

Calvin at 500

Next year is the cinquo-centennial of our theological parent, John Calvin, the originator of our Reformed identity. To mark the event the Committee on History will publish a popular series of 10 monthly articles from September to June in the Presbyterian Record on the significance of John Calvin in today's world.

Morrison steps in for Fee

Rev. Ian Morrison has stepped in as the acting General Secretary of the Life and Mission Agency for an unspecified period of time. Morrison, who served in this position for nine years until retiring in 2005, is filling in for Rev. Rick Fee who is recovering from time spent in hospital.

Missionary takes his dream overseas

Alfonso Martinez* knew God had a plan for him since childhood. An indigenous Mayan from Chiapas, Mexico, he comes from a family who were among the first Christians in his culture. While visiting the national office in March, Martinez told the Record that his “grandmother was my first mentor. She prepared me for this role.”

Sudan church growing

ENI – Despite the daily challenges in Sudan, the church – as it is in many parts of Africa – is growing. But they must contend not only with a nation that is rebuilding after two decades of civil war, but also with the presence (and growth) of Islam. Churches complain of rumoured conversions to Islam based on inducements of scholarships, money and material goods.

Stevenson up for writing award

Former Glad Tidings editor, L. June Stevenson has been nominated for the 2008 Best New Canadian Christian Author Award for her memoir Tracing Rainbows: Lessons Along the Way. Stevenson, of Ajax, Ont., is up against five other authors for her manuscript which, if it wins, could be published by Castle Quay Books Canada.

Nigerian elder honoured

A beloved elder of the Presbyterian Church in Nigeria who died two years ago prompted an idea from Canadian Presbyterians to help others in his name. Elder Chief Ntieyong Udo Akpan died in August 2006 at the age of 82. He contributed to the growth of the church in Nigeria, and always welcomed young Canadians and foreigners to his homeland. Upon his death, the PCN organized a foundation in his honour. The N.U. and Margaret Akpan Memorial Elders' Formation and Renewal Fund was the idea of Rev. Rick Fee, former missionary to Nigeria and current general secretary of the Presbyterian Church in Canada's Life and Mission Agency. Fee consulted with Rev. Arlene Onuoha, a PCC missionary currently in Nigeria, and the Principal Clerk of the PCN. After sending out an appeal to those who knew Akpan and his wife, Margaret, about 1 million Nigerian Nairas (about $8,500 Cdn) was contributed to the fund from former missionaries and from the PCC's International Ministries department.

PWS&D in action


Shortly after Cyclone Nargis ripped through Myanmar (previously known as Burma) killing an estimated 100,000 people on May 2 and 3, Presbyterian World Service and Development partner, Action by Churches Together was preparing emergency supplies to take into the country. Donations can be made through PWS&D.

Anniversary party, despite fire

The congregation of Knox, Cannington, Ont., celebrated 144 years of Christian witness in its community on May 4. Joyous celebrations were held that day, and Rev. Paul Johnston, Moderator of the Presbytery of Lindsay-Peterborough, was the guest preacher. Special musical guests were on hand, and lunch followed the service.