
Moderator on YouTube

YouTube, the online video sharing site, has added another Presbyterian minister to its library. Rev. Dr. Hans Kouwenberg has entered the realm of multi-media with a sermon he gave at Knox College last November. The sermon runs in three parts and was about modeling ministry, based on Mark 7: 31-37. A second sermon, given at Rosedale, Toronto, may eventually be added. To listen to the Knox College sermon, visit and type “Hans Kouwenberg” in the search field. YouTube also features sermons by Rev. Mark Lewis, minister at St. Andrew's, Kitchener, Ont. –AM

Council Plans for Diversity

The Assembly Council met in November, and Aboriginal issues were discussed in various ways. Lisbeth Duncan, convener, and former moderator Wilma Welsh reported on a trip to the Medicine Eagle Retreat and Healing Place in Manitoba. They were invited along with the PCC's Healing and Reconciliation Animator, Lori Ransom, and staff from Winnipeg Inner City Mission, to talk, forge friendships, and learn about life on the reserve.

Making amends

ENI — Brazilian Cardinal Claudio Hummes, prefect of the Congregation of the Clergy, asked Roman Catholics worldwide, in the Vatican-based Osservatore Romano newspaper, to engage in prayer to make amends for the actions of pedophile priests and to help their victims. The prayers should take the form of the “perpetual adoration” of the Eucharist, where members of the church take turns to maintain a vigil in front of a consecrated host representing the body of Jesus.

The Ebola distance

ENI — Religious leaders in Uganda are backing government efforts in fighting Ebola by discouraging followers from shaking hands or embracing during greeting. “These are precautionary measures. The general advice in churches is: don't shake hands; don't embrace,” said Rev. Grace Kaiso, executive secretary of the Uganda Joint Christian Council, a grouping that brings together Roman Catholic, Anglican and Orthodox churches.

Health and Hope

The health of the Presbyterian Church was an unofficial theme at the November meeting of the Life and Mission Agency committee, as the convener, Rev. Daniel Cho, began the meeting with an Arab proverb: “He who has health, has hope. He who has hope, has everything.”

Christians celebrate 50 million Chinese Bibles

ENI — Celebrations were held in China in December to mark the production of more than 50 million Bibles in the People's Republic by the Amity Printing Company, a joint venture between the United Bible Societies and the Amity Foundation, which is a Chinese Christian agency. The Amity Printing Company is the only body allowed to print Bibles in mainland China.

HIV/AIDS still a pandemic

ENI — Faith-based campaigners and religious leaders say churches should not relax their efforts to deal with the HIV/AIDS pandemic despite UN figures showing a drop in the number of people worldwide living with the virus.

UN Adopts Rights of Indigenous Peoples

A United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples passed in September is “fundamentally flawed and lacks clear, practical guidance for implementation,” according to Chuck Strahl, Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development, and Maxime Bernier, Minister of Foreign Affairs in a press release. “It also does not recognize Canada's need to balance indigenous rights to lands and resources with the rights of others.” Canada along with the United States, Australia and New Zealand declined to sign.

PWS&D Launches New Way to Give

Presbyterian World Service & Development launched the Loaves & Fishes Fund, a planned giving fund that enables donors to give equity that is invested and used over a seven year period. Unveiled in October, the fund plays on Jesus' miracle of the multiplying loaves and fishes, creating enough to feed the multitude, with plenty left over.

Healthy Turnout for Trinity

Trinity Presbyterian Church, Oro, appears to be on its way to rebuilding its congregation. More than 190 adults, along with eight volunteers and 50 children, attended the first service following the departure of more than 1,000 worshippers to former minister Rev. Carey Nieuwhof's Connexus Community Church. Sunday worship is at 10 a.m. led by weekly guest ministers. A children's program is provided, a youth program is being developed, and small groups should soon be functioning.

Minorities Forum

Justice Ministries will host a Forum for Ethnic and Racial Minorities in the Presbyterian Church in Canada on April 4-6 at Crieff Hills Retreat Centre, Puslinch, Ont. The theme for the event is Change and Diversity in the Church, and will feature Rev. Paulette Brown, a doctoral candidate at Knox College and former minister at University Presbyterian, Toronto.

Lakeside, Summerland, BC

The women of Lakeside, Summerland, B.C., had a gee-whiz idea. They started with a table and a tarp and soon graduated to a mini-cafe where they a) got to know each other, b) developed a Presbyterian presence in the community, c) were able to develop their own sense of ministry in an environment comfortable to them, d) got to know the community better and visit with many tourists, and e) raised $3,000 for PWS&D. That's some idea.

Canadian on WCC body

ENI — Anglican theologian Rev. John Saint Helier Gibaut, who teaches at a Roman Catholic university, is to head a post at the World Council of Churches that deals with matters of church unity. He will take his position as head of the WCC's Commission on Faith and Order in January.