
Awkward Palm Sunday

As an adult, Palm Sunday feels different. I’m not sure if it is awkward because waving at parades is out of character for most Presbyterian congregations or because we know all too well where the week ahead will lead.

A Little Guarded

Two stalwart members walked by and one said to the other, “I think I’ll sit beside you today, somebody’s sitting in my pew.” I could see the couples’ shoulders tense.

Don’t put Family First

Other than as an alliterative phrase meaning that healthy families of various sorts are immensely important for human wellbeing, or that Christian worship should be welcoming to all ages, “family first” can be idolatry.

Clergy Burn Out

More than 20,000 clergy left the ministry in 2010 alone in the U.S., and according to a survey done by the Francis Schaeffer Institute, 71 per cent of pastors serving churches today are burned out and battling depression and fatigue.

The Master Gardener

She jokingly referred to herself as the Grand Master Gardener as she lurched around the backyard on her battery-powered scooter, the arrow on the speed control always aligned with the picture of the hare, never the tortoise.