
Tilling and Seeding

While the congregation faced dwindling resources and discouragement, Rev. Alex Douglas saw pure potential. The unimposing, single-story church sits across the street from a profusion of new suburban houses—a mission field just beyond the doorstep.

Coming Home

What a difference a decade has made! In 2004, Montreal West was facing closure. Today, Montreal West counts some 140 members and adherents, many of them English-speaking Cameroonians from nearby suburbs, who have made the congregation one of the fastest growing in the presbytery. What made the difference?

Green Fields

Congregations want change without changing; they want young members without making room for them. More than one clerical career has crashed against lazy and desperate congregational expectations. So, the best way to revitalize a church is to start from the beginning.

The Wide Boulevard

Letter One: “I did not know that the Presbyterian Record and staff are supporters of the Liberal Party of Canada by having political articles in there [sic] magazine.”

Injecting Enthusiasm

Deceptively, all those Boomer children and their parents filled churches in the late 1950s and ‘60s to overflowing. The result was that mainline denominations in Canada thought they were on top of the world.

Love and Other Stories

Maybe it’s that half-light creates liminal spaces where imagination opens more easily. Think romantic candle-lit dinners for two. Or the way your children’s faces change in the light of birthday candles.

Surprised by Joy

Are you familiar with the concept of choosing a word of the year? The idea is to pick a word to focus on, meditate on and reflect on in daily life throughout the year. In January 2015, 
I chose the word joy.