
Joyful and Heartbreaking

This was the third time in four days that Canadian troops had gathered to say goodbye to friends in arms. This piece of tarmac in Kandahar is holy ground, as chaplains from Canada and allied countries have said many prayers, and comforted many more soldiers.

The Gender Imbalance

This year will mark the 50th anniversary of women’s ordination in the Presbyterian Church in Canada. So after half a century, what does the gender balance look like among our church’s ministers?

Counting Contradictions

“If you come to Hungary, do not take our jobs,” the government billboards scream—in Hungarian—a language Syrians cannot read. “If you come to Hungary, obey our laws.” No outsiders welcome; at least not at the cost of the insiders.

Faith That Sticks

In spite of the finest scholars involved and the best pedagogy going, our churches are not filled with students who came through the system. You may have had a bursting church school back in the ‘60s, but the majority of these now grown up participants no longer go to church.

Growing Stronger

As I went through university, personal prayer remained a part of me, but I had little exposure to other practicing Christians. My friends were all from Christian backgrounds but they never went to church.

Joy to the World!

The parking lot at the hospital was almost empty by 5 p.m. on Christmas Eve. I stepped out of the car and crossed over icy ruts where cars were parked earlier, oil leaks mixing with fresh snow leaving dark smudges on Creation’s canvas.

The Fullness of Time

Advent should be like a funnel that focuses us invon the most important part of Christmas; renewingvour relationship with our Lord and Saviour. However, Advent competes with so much that demands our attention.