

ENI — The rising popularity of religious pilgrimages stems from a modern lifestyle linked to a constant search for new experiences, according to the bishop of Tarbes and Lourdes, the site of the famous Roman Catholic pilgrimage site in France.

Exactly good laughter

ENI — “Although the Bible doesn't say that Jesus laughed, I think that the evangelists didn't need to write about it because he would always have been laughing,” said Rev. Nobuhisa Yamakita, chairperson of the Japan Confederation of Christian Churches, which links Roman Catholic, Anglican and Protestant denominations.

The Christmas T-Shirt

Just before Christmas, as executor of my late father's will, I started the process of making application for compensation benefits for armed services veterans who were used as human guinea pigs in a top-secret chemical warfare testing program. The program went on in this country from 1941until the 1970s at two locations. As a soldier, Dad was used as a human guinea pig several times at Suffield, Alta., during the Second World War. Acknowledgement of the top-secret program was forced on our government after a class action lawsuit by victims seeking redress for illness related to the testing. Dad died in 2000 after a tragic battle with ALS, also known as Lou Gehrig's disease. It was the last of many diseases that plagued him, particularly in the last 15 years of his life. (Were they a result of the chemical testing? We will never know. In the legal world you have to surrender a lot in order to win.)

Water, water, everywhere

ENI — Churches in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe's second largest city, have begun to supply residents with water for domestic use in an attempt to lessen the effects of shortages made worse by a struggle over control of the water supply. City authorities have imposed water-rationing measures that permit residents access to water for only a few hours every three days.

The Journey of Hope

Little things confound the wise and contain God's greatest gifts. Signs of God's love surround us, yet often go unnoticed. The gift of a starry night, the smile of a stranger or the fragrance of a flower could touch your soul at just the right moment. Life is a difficult journey but people make it harder when they close their eyes to the messages God sends every day. Yet every year in Bruce Mines, a small northern Ontario village, people trudge through the snow to experience the Christmas story. People come by busloads. When I first heard about this Holy Walk, my imagination ran with it.

Christmas at YSM

Yonge Street Mission's annual Christmas market will open from Dec. 12 to Dec. 22, enabling hundreds of families to shop affordably. A 20-year-plus tradition, the Toronto mission's gymnasium will be packed with items donated for this purpose. Clients register in November to be eligible. This year, through various distribution programs, YSM will serve more than 4,000 children and adults.

New Online Resource

A new online teacher training program is available, free to Presbyterian congregations. The Opening Doors to Discipleship program is suitable for both seasoned and new teachers, can be completed in any order and at any pace. It is hoped that teachers in a congregation will take the course with their minister or a mentor from their church.

A Real Story

I remember the Christmas we celebrated a year after coming to Canada with my family from the Netherlands in 1951. We'd moved from a farm in Athens, just outside of Brockville, Ont., where we'd first been boarded with a couple of Dutch brothers who had sponsored us, to a big, old clapboard farmhouse which my folks had rented for our family in the village of Tincap. I'd just turned seven, and was attending Grade 1 in the one-room country schoolhouse with my sister that fall.

Historic church lost in fire

A fire reportedly set by a local young offender who was out on bail has destroyed Knox, Cannington, Ont. The 128-year-old building in the Presbytery of Lindsay-Peterborough was set ablaze on the morning of Oct. 7. The remains of the building were demolished before the unstable walls could fall down on their own. No one was injured.

Two Children for a Sign

As we enter the season of Advent and Christmas often we hear, read (or sing in Handel’s Messiah) Isaiah’s passage about the child born to a virgin. He is Immanuel and the promise is that at some point in the future this supernaturally born child will become ruler of the people in the kingdom of God. The passages in chapters seven and nine can hardly be read without our hearts soaring in expectation and hope. For to us a child is born and to us a son is given … and His name shall be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. Of the increase of His government and peace there will be no end … the zeal of the house of the Lord of hosts will perform this.

Some Awesome News

MIRIAM: Shalom. Peace be with you. My name is Miriam, daughter of Benjamin and Sarah. I'm 13 years old. My parents are shepherds. I am their eldest child, and this is my brother —