
God is Mystery

Tony Plomp’s cover story not only gives us an opportunity to talk about death which senior editor Andrew Faiz does in a companion piece to our cover story—but about the nature of God.

Remembering Thanksgiving

I often find myself feeling over-committed, over-stressed and over-concerned. Usually, within a few weeks, my slow moving mind remembers that I cannot survive now, or at any other time, on my own strength and resources.

The Long Goodbye

We are living longer. Over the course of 50 years, the average lifespan has increased in Canada by a decade. But … a longer life is not necessarily a better life.

New Birth

Although we recognize death will happen to everyone, how is it that some people are able to die with the assurance that death does not have the final word?

Human Connections

Hungary has been running a billboard campaign—in Hungarian, which the refugees couldn’t possibly understand—with slogans like, “If you come to Hungary, don’t take the jobs of Hungarians,” and, “If you come to Hungary, you have to keep our laws.”

Faces on the Road

A small small handful say “no photo” or “camera no.” But the vast majority pose for the photos and if you ask them they are eager to talk to you. You approach a person, they don’t speak English, but they call out to one in their group who does.