
Cool heads needed for green debates

In the first creation story in Genesis, God puts responsibility for creation in the hands of humans, the creatures fashioned in the divine image. It is an awesome responsibility and one that we haven't always done well. . Over the next 50 years Canada is set to become one of world's largest exporters of crude, the Alberta tar sands being the second-largest known oil reserves on the planet. Western oil is Canada's pension-plan portfolio. There's just one problem: global warming.

Dangerous places of worship

My cousin is a doctor at a Christian Hospital in an ancient city an hour north of Islamabad, Pakistan. On Friday, August 9th, 2002, her mother, my aunt, wasn't feeling well and the two decided not to go to chapel – about a hundred metres from their home. It was a good choice, for them. Three men, dressed ordinarily, talked their way past a guard at the hospital entrance, and then held another guard at gunpoint. They waited until the worshippers were leaving the chapel and tossed live grenades at them. Three nurses were killed; 25 others were injured. One of the attackers killed himself fumbling with a grenade.

Moderator urges continued relief to Darfur

Rev. M. Jean Morris, moderator of The Presbyterian Church in Canada, along with 15 other Canadian faith leaders, recently commended the Government of Canada for the significant contributions made to support humanitarian and relief efforts in Darfur, Sudan, and to assist the African Union Mission in Sudan in its efforts to provide security.

Weaving faith into their lives

In January, Matthew and I spent a week in Guatemala, accompanied by Ken Kim, our church's missionary there. As well as setting the itinerary and making all the arrangements for our visit, Ken served as our translator, driver and interpreter of church and culture. Ken was an amazing host and colleague in ministry. Thanks be to God for his pastoral presence and wise counsel with the people of Guatemala on behalf of The Presbyterian Church in Canada. In and through his work, Ken is an expression of at least two of my moderatorial themes – ecumenism and non-parish-based ministries.

WCC seeks alternative globalization

A document from the World Council of Churches entitled AGAPE – A Call To Love And Action, asks churches "to act together for transformation of economic injustice." The document summarizes the results of the work done by the WCC and its ecumenical partners on economic globalization since its eighth assembly in Harare in 1998.

Sharing our environment

Over the past five years, four young men of my acquaintance have been murdered. They were all black, not yet 25 years of age. And they were all shot to death over what the press commonly calls gang violence.

Dignity in the face of adversity

I've worked as a doctor for more than 20 years, including time in Canada and Africa. I recently spent two months in Niger, and I've never felt so surrounded by suffering and death. The worst part about seeing hundreds of critically ill patients every day for weeks is that most of them are less than three years old. They are all victims of severe malnutrition.

Words pierce like a sword

I was a skinny child. So skinny that I had only one vertical stripe on my pajamas. So skinny that I was swimming in a lake one summer and a dog came out to fetch me – three times. My mother used to scrub laundry on my rib cage. People looking for a toothpick at the dinner table would grab me. You get the picture.

Dummies for Jesus

(ENI) – With titles like Spirituality For Dummies and The Complete Idiot's Guide to Jesus, user-friendly books on sacred texts, major religions, meditation and figures such as Jesus, the Buddha and Pope John Paul II are proving popular in the United States.

Cautioning Hamas

(ENI) – Leaders of the major Christian churches in the Holy Land have given their support to the results of the Palestinian elections in which Hamas won legislature seats by a landslide.

Walking for water

The ecumenical justice organization, KAIROS, of which the Presbyterian Church is a member, is urging congregations to get involved in World Water Day activities on March 22. KAIROS developed a how-to kit to help congregations and individuals plan a Walk for Water in the community. It is hoped the walk will draw attention to the need to keep water in public hands, ensuring access to all.

Our backyard

"We should do something, it's in our backyard," elder Doug White insisted. And so it began: the sign says it all, two congregations, some land donated by members to grow hay, with the profits sent to Canadian Foodgrains Bank. From left, Don Raymer, CFGB's Atlantic Canada coordinator, White of St. David's, Heather Platt, CFGB's national director of resources and Earl Johnson of St. George's.

Rehabilitating Judas

(ENI) – A Roman Catholic writer close to both the current and the previous popes argues that the rehabilitation of Judas Iscariot would "resolve the problem of an apparent lack of mercy by Jesus towards one of his closest collaborators."

Churches must work together

Africa's greatest challenge is not the widespread poverty keeping the continent from moving forward, the HIV/AIDS pandemic that is decimating its population, or the civil wars that funnel resources away from real solutions. It is, says Bishop Mvume Dandala, general secretary of the All Africa Council of Churches, inspiring Africa's churches and their Western partners to work together to eradicate these problems.