
Hanging onto Hope

One Hour in Paris is a well-told story by a bright and articulate Canadian woman. Her rape story appears at the outset; the rest of the book is about her recovery, about what worked and what didn’t as she tried to get on with her life, and about surviving trauma.

Co-dependent Clergy

This is not the first time we have addressed clergy health. Six years ago our award-winning cover story, Breaking the Silence, addressed the unhealthy state of many clergy in six Canadian denominations.

Disagreeing Friends

As a liberal I’m very critical of the smugness of liberals. As a liberal I’m also critical of the holier-than-thouness of evangelicals. Both these poses drive me absolutely batty.

Sharing Struggles and Joys

It was a unique gathering this January. Members of the Presbytery of Oak Ridges and the northern portion of Classis Toronto of the Christian Reformed Church in North America gathered for fellowship, a meal and common worship—just because.

Two Dozen Overtures on Sexuality

Eighteen sessions and six presbyteries have filed overtures for discussion at this year’s General Assembly on the issue of human sexuality. This volume of response is without precedence in the Presbyterian Church in Canada.