
Living and Dying in Hope

I think about death a lot. I’ve possessed this mindset since I was handed the shocking news that I have ALS (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis). On that cold, clear winter’s day, like a shadowy acquaintance from a far-away land, death came calling.

Beyond Words

Western art, historically entwined with the Church, has moved on to other themes. Or perhaps the Church has lost interest in the contemporary world.

To Question Well

We are so used to the sound-bite declaratives of politicians trying to score points, that I wonder if we have forgotten the art of conversation, let alone dealing with the content of a conversation?

Numbed and Helpless

I didn’t know how to feel—I felt indignant, angry, frustrated, sad and ultimately helpless to respond appropriately. I wonder if there is an appropriate response as a person of faith, as a Christian, as a Canadian Presbyterian?

A Radical Shift

Focusing on congregations doesn’t require another institutional reorganization, of which we have had several over the past three decades, but the much more difficult attitudinal shift in the people who work within the church’s bureaucracy at all levels from national to local.