
The Wineglass

A job, or better, a ministry, an assured income, a home to live in; who could ask for anything more? Well, it turns out that a family setting up a home for the first time does demand a few things more.

Choosing God

Mark and John aren’t interested in it and Matthew and Luke can’t agree on the details of it. You think you know the nativity story but there is no agreement on what actually happened.

Guardians of the Story

The title on the card was, “The Nurse, from Cameron’s Pond.” Linda and I looked at the picture together, drinking in the memories it engendered. “How come your family always called that peak the Nurse?” Linda asked.

A Time to Contemplate

Between 2014 and 2018, Canada will be celebrating the 100th anniversary of the First World War. Some will quite rightly ask: Why should we as a nation or we as Presbyterians celebrate this war?

A Bumpy Year

In my child’s world same-sex unions, families headed with same-sex partners, are commonplace. In her world this is not a debate.