
In the Outer Courts

I was born into a Presbyterian family, have been a member of this denomination for over 40 years, have been an elder, occupy a visible position within the church. But I’m still a Paki because I do not look like a supposed demographic that defines the Presbyterian Church in Canada.

Becoming Neighbours

“Canada’s darkest secret is being exposed; more importantly, it is being exposed with our younger generation.” Those were the emotional and difficult words of Eugene Arcand, residential school survivor and keynote speaker at Canada Youth 2014.

Science and Faith

I was ordained as a minister nearly 25 years ago, but prior to that I enjoyed my first vocation as a geologist. When I made my shift in vocation known, one of my colleagues said I was moving from the Ministry of Natural Resources to the Ministry of Supernatural Resources.

Finding Faith

It is no easy task to mentor me. I don’t consider myself very teachable or malleable. After observing me during 23 years of marriage, my wife has identified and diagnosed my condition, which she has labelled “Youngest Child Syndrome.”

Army Ants and Civil War

Our oldest son, Ian had just turned three when we began our first tour in the coastal city of Calabar, Nigeria. Painful as it was taking him away from his grandparents, the Nigerians assured us that they would be our family.