
Upping the Coolness Factor

I am renowned for what is technically known as a “low coolness factor” and normally people sedulously keep me away from anything having to do with youth; but if you are elected moderator, they have to invite you to events like Canada Youth 2014.

When God Calls

The Montreal Arabic Presbyterian Church is not located in Montreal; since 2010, it has rented facilities in an Evangelical Baptist church on the adjacent island of Laval. But it was not always so.

Off the Beaten Path

If General Assembly represents the Main Street of the Presbyterian Church in Canada, then the Women’s Gathering and Canada are two of the side roads, or crossing arteries. Good theory perhaps; but like so many municipalities, the landscape is shifting.

Calling Us Back

September, for many of our churches, is a month of ministry startups for the school year. So there is the challenge of calling people back into our activities and programs.

Bread from Heaven

When you’re tired out from walking, fed up with scrounging for food, weighed down with your few belongings and your growing children, you can actually forget the feel of the whip on your back. All you want is a full belly, a night’s rest, and a day off the road.

The Crocheted Cross

I enjoy my life for the most part, am grateful for my health and family, but at that time I was feeling that I was on a treadmill going nowhere. Nothing significant seemed to be happening. I was 61 years old and wondering if I was on the right track.